Cool Tool | Georama

CREDIT georama.jpgWhile field trips provide for great learning experiences for students, they can only be done so often and usually can’t go that far due to financial and/or logistical reasons. Almost 75 percent of educators think that technology has a positive impact in the education process and as a result is becoming predominant in classrooms. One such cool tool for classrooms is Georama, possibly the world’s first real-time virtual tour platform. Georama’s technology enables experts from around the world to broadcast live tours in HD quality while being completely mobile, indoors or outdoors, delivering unique learning experiences that go beyond traditional video-conferencing used inside classrooms. Students can interact with experts in real-time asking questions and making requests, thereby increasing student engagement. Georama’s virtual field trips platform enhances curriculum for students in both physical and digital classrooms bringing a variety of educational experiences including STEM, history, language, and more. The platform also offers a range of workplace tours designed to increase awareness and interest in various career opportunities. Making this platform even more exciting is TxDLA, the leading Texas association for distance learning professionals, partnering with Georama to bring these live, interactive, and mobile virtual field trips to its member institutions. Learn more

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