Trends | Schools Embrace Chromebooks but Still Rely on Windows

CREDIT Ericom mobilityEricom Software released the results of a survey exploring mobile technology trends, challenges, and priorities affecting K-12 schools in 2016 and beyond. The survey, which includes responses from both educators and IT professionals representing over 1,500 schools and half a million students, reports that, while 62 percent of respondents’ schools already support Chromebook initiatives, 92 percent of schools use at least one Windows application to support learning. For 43 percent of respondents, a heavy investment in both desktop and cloud-based Windows applications influences their thoughts about deploying web-based Chromebooks. However, 60 percent of respondents believe that browser-based access to Windows applications would make Chromebooks a viable desktop alternative. The survey also makes clear that desktops are falling out of fashion: over 90 percent of respondents’ schools have already integrated mobile technology into the learning environment and over 80 percent prefer laptops, tablets, and Chromebooks over desktops. Survey results also show that device access is a top priority for K-12 schools; almost half of respondents indicated that their school’s top priority is to give every student access to a device within the next three years and BYOD and one-to-one initiatives are becoming increasingly more popular. View the full survey report here.

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