Cool Tool | TeacherSherpa

CREDIT TeacherSherpaThis online platform gives teachers the ability to create and share editable classroom materials. It brings together all the design elements a teacher needs, alongside the ability to customize materials from other members because no two classrooms are the same. It’s a community of teachers who inspire each other by sharing their editable materials. Browse and borrow materials made public by other members on the community board and quickly customize them to meet specific classroom needs. The platform provides an easy-to-use design tool preloaded with teacher fonts, doodles, clipart, a QR code widget and integrated with Pixabay clipart and image libraries to create classroom materials. They offer two membership plans: free members are able to browse, follow and print shared materials without restrictions. Premium members ($9.99/mo) can create and edit any of the shared materials on the site, as well as participate in a 20 percent lifetime revenue share referral program. Learn more

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