Cool Tool | Recap by Swivl

credit-recap-by-swivlAfter making its beta debut earlier this year, Recap, the free video response and reflection app developed by Swivl, has won over many educators and students. It was created in response to the pressing industry need for new formative assessment tools that do more than just collect answers. Says math teacher Kirk Humphreys, “This is a very easy formative assessment tool. It gives me an instant snapshot of what the kids can explain and it lets me know if they understand the concept verbally.” English and Math are the top two subjects taught by Recap users. Science, History, and Social Studies aren’t far behind. Grade levels range from preschool to higher education. The app is also gaining popularity in professional development. It allows educators to pose questions and gather video responses from a class, a student, or a group of students, who can record their responses on almost any classroom device. Teachers sign in with Google, create classes and assignments and add students, using class pin or Google login. After students submit their responses and self-assessments, the videos can be rolled up into Daily Review Reels or shared with others through non-searchable links. Learn more.

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