Cool Tool | CollegeVine

credit-collegevine-sat-prepThis leading provider of student mentorship and college admissions guidance has launched an SAT test prep program built specifically to prepare students for the newly redesigned exam. Officially implemented by the College Board in March 2016, the new SAT exam is more straightforward and connected to classroom learning—a strong indicator of college readiness for all students. Some of the changes reflected in the updated exam include requiring students to analyze historical documents, focusing on words students will use in college and careers, and increasing the need for interpretation on the math section. CollegeVine’s new SAT test prep program is the company’s most comprehensive course to date, offering targeted practice materials and taking one-on-one tutoring to another level. Each client is paired with two tutors—one focused on math, the other on the SAT’s verbal sections—to maximize individual attention, and all CollegeVine tutors are college students at top (often Ivy League) universities whose own SAT scores were in the 99th percentile. The curriculum is designed to adjust based on individual progress, augmenting the company’s previous version, which was responsible raising student exam scores by an average of 250 points, including 3 percent of the world’s perfect scores. Learn more.


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