Cool Tool | Kurzweil 1000

CREDIT KurzweilThis latest version of Kurzweil Education’s award-winning text-to-speech software makes printed or electronic text readily available to people who are blind or visually impaired. It helps visually challenged learners save time and gain independence by combining traditional machine technologies such as scanning, image processing, and text-to-speech with communication and productivity tools that allow users to unlock learning anytime, anywhere. In addition to the educational benefits of the software, users can personalize experiences by choosing from a variety of natural-sounding voices and taking advantage of organizational features such as note taking, bookmarks, content summaries, and an appointment calendar with audible reminders. Version 14 enhancements include the option to extract images into PDF files, recognition of PNG files, and much, much more. From Kurzweil Education, a division of Cambium Learning Group, you really need to check it out for yourself.

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